In a nutshell: seriously mixed feelings. I am NOT categorically opposed to the approach as a whole, not at all, and certainly not to its components a la carte. I like Dr. Harvey Karp a lot, I think he means well, and has good information and experience. We even covered his "method" in my postpartum doula training. There are good tools there - if those tools are needed. Parents of colicky babies (more on that in a bit), or other intensely high-needs babies, may find them lifesaving coping strategies.

TOTALLY NICE GUY! Great intentions. Valuable tools, even.
But I have reservations, I do.
For one thing, I think the emphasis on swaddling (while I TOTALLY recognize that for some babies it's the only thing that works) detracts from the miracle that is skin-to-skin contact. For that matter, sometimes I feel like parents don't really understand what skin-to-skin means, either, and care providers are not explaining it adequately - that it's not just holding your baby and making general contact through layers of clothing, it is actual SKIN to SKIN that does the magic. And yes, it means unbuttoning your shirt and stripping baby to a diaper, covering you both with a blanket and putting baby right on your chest. (Bliss, if you ask me.) I think so many more dyads (and dads) could benefit from increased skin-to-skin, especially while establishing breastfeeding.
For another thing, I think the emphasis on swinging instead of slinging detracts from the benefits and convenience of babywearing. So many babies are crying out for connection, and that need could be met so beautifully by putting baby in whatever close-contact carrier works best for the parent. If you use a mei tai, you can go topless with a button-down blouse or cardigan on over it and get skin-to-skin time to boot. Instead, because the parents are following The Method, they may get plunked in a plastic swing with a piece of plastic in their mouth. Yes, baby might eventually calm down, but it seems to me that the means of achieving that calm is often through OVERRIDING their needs instead of actually MEETING them.
Don't get me wrong here! I myself used a swing sometimes too, especially during the long solo parenting stretches that were part of our first 7 months, for weeks at a stretch. You can do a lot while babywearing, but not taking a shower or cooking hot foods and such. I don't think the
I'll give you a real-life example of mine: Anonymous client, coping with newborn. Dad is very into the 5 S's, and is alleged to be a great swaddler. Mom is not quite as adept with the swaddling. They're also adamant about making sure baby does "tummy time". So, one evening I was over there doing a shift, and after baby had been fed, mom swaddled baby and put baby in bassinet to sleep. Within a few minutes, baby was fussing and squirming and the swaddling came undone. Mom was partially occupied and unsure whether to pick baby up or what to do. I had brought my mei tai, so I offered to put baby in the mei tai and carry on with what I was working on.
Baby's response? Instant calm, and a great period of awesome wide-eyed quiet alertness, doing that cool pushing himself up on his forearms movement and finding balance with his head action that also fulfills everything that tummy time does, for a good 20 minutes or so. Then he conked out completely, content as can be.
I'll take it a step further - back to the colic piece of it: I do know it can help with a colicky baby. BUT. I also know that a lot of colic can be structural in nature, especially if birth trauma was involved, and many colicky babies have gotten so much relief from chiropractic care that I worry about the underlying problem never getting addressed, because the parents are getting by with the 5 S's. I worry similarly about issues with possible food sensitivities or allergies getting overlooked.
I don't mean to come down on the book or parents who use it too harshly. It's not sleep training or crying it out, it's not "Babywise" or the danged "Baby Whisperer", for crying (it) out loud. I even think that it's compatible with AP in a very general way. And every baby is different, there is NO question. Some babies, even after adjustments and evaluation of diet, still need the extra help. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But I fear that its appeal to a lot of people is based on it being a neat and tidy system, using products.
I also think it appeals greatly to fathers in particular, who are often at a loss as to how to help an overwhelmed mom cope, and at a loss as to what you even do with an infant, and this gives them a System, a set of specific, orderly tasks to perform. I can understand why this is appealing and certainly applaud their intentions. It's also being promoted by a pediatrician, and for some it might make a subtle, subconscious difference that it's a male pediatrician, too (and I'd like to introduce Dr. Sears to those parties).

And I don't mean to oversell attachment parenting, because for some people for whom components of it are not a good fit, this might feel like pushing just another "system" and set of practices. I get that. But let's take a look at how the practice of babywearing, in itself, compares to the 5 S's.
Here they are, as described by Happiest Baby On the Block:
- Swaddling - Tight swaddling provides the continuous touching and support the fetus experienced while still in Mom's womb.
- Side/stomach position - You place your baby, while holding her, either on her left side to assist in digestion, or on her stomach to provide reassuring support. Once your baby is happily asleep, you can safely put her in her crib, on her back.
- Shushing Sounds - These sounds imitate the continual whooshing sound made by the blood flowing through arteries near the womb. This white noise can be in the form of a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, a fan and so on. The good news is that you can easily save the motors on your household appliances and get a white noise CD which can be played over and over again with no worries.
- Swinging - Newborns are used to the swinging motions that were present when they were still in Mom's womb. Every step mom took, every movement caused a swinging motion for your baby. After your baby is born, this calming motion, which was so comforting and familiar, is abruptly taken away. Your baby misses the motion and has a difficult time getting used to it not being there. "It's disorienting and unnatural," says Karp. Rocking, car rides, and other swinging movements all can help.
- Sucking - "Sucking has its effects deep within the nervous system," notes Karp, "and triggers the calming reflex and releases natural chemicals within the brain." This "S" can be accomplished with breast, bottle, pacifier or even a finger.
- Swaddling - Cozying baby right up to your body in wrap or sling, right on your chest, also fulfills the feeling of snugness and security that swaddling offers. The startle reflex won't be triggered, arms and legs are tucked in, and, as per their description above, it "provides the continuous touching and support the fetus experienced while still in Mom's womb".
- Side/stomach position - I think the major benefit of this position is that it's not laying baby on her back, which, while recommended for SIDS prevention, is also more likely to let her startle and feels much less protected and secure. Sling takes care of all that. If gas is an issue, doing some bicycle legs beforehand can help with that, too.
- Shushing Sounds - The whole idea of white noise is to mimic the sounds that baby experienced in the womb. Soooooo . . . why not put baby right on your chest and let them hear your heartbeat and breathing, in addition to feeling your softness and smelling your scent? Use a mei tai or Moby wrap and you also get skin-to-skin. Some babies DO need louder, stronger sounds, it is true, especially when they're falling asleep, so there's nothing wrong with introducing white noise as needed; my point, again, is how slinging alone can fulfill this need unless more stimulus becomes necessary.
- Swinging - The natural rhythmic swaying of Mom walking around lulls baby to sleep just the way it did in utero. What could be more perfect during the fourth trimester? Above, they state specifically that the need for this comes from their fetal experience of mom's motion: "Every step mom took, every movement caused a swinging motion for your baby. After your baby is born, this calming motion, which was so comforting and familiar, is abruptly taken away. Your baby misses the motion and has a difficult time getting used to it not being there." Exactly. I can't think of a better explanation of why wearing your baby is such a perfect transition into the outside world.
- Sucking - This one isn't DIRECTLY met by slinging, but the fact that you can nurse so easily in the sling - once you get the hang of it; it takes a little practice at first - facilitates the suckling while making life easier for mom. (Don't even get me started on pacifier enabling! Again, it's not about using a
tool as needed, that much is understood, it's about supplanting something natural with something artificial when it's not called for that's the concern.)
At the very least, I propose there be not 5, but 7 S's, or at least two more alternate S's: Slinging and Skin-to-Skin.
Or you can just try doing all the S's at once with the Uber-S that is Slinging.
So, as a postpartum doula, what do I do? This is the parent's choice, after all. They've read the book and/or watched the DVD, and have decided that this is The Method that they will implement. And that's fair enough, I know; I don't have to 'approve' every parenting practice for them, of course. I do perform a mentoring function, and of course attachment parenting is where I'm coming from, but no matter how many benefits there are to it (with new evidence in its favor coming out all the time), parents will and should make their own choices.
Anyway, what do you think? Do I make any sense here? Am I making a mountain out of a molehill? I'm a little nervous that I may be attacking a sacred cow, and a relatively gentle one at that. Like I said, it's not as though it's "Babywise", and is kind of AP in a sense. Parents who practice this are responding to needs, in their own way. And yet . . .
There was a wonderful article by Kittie Frantz in Mothering Magazine a while ago, in which she addressed some similar concerns. The whole article is worth a read; the first part is mostly about sleep-training, but read on. This in particular rang true, especially in regard to the role of the father as discussed above:
The AAP's statement on breastfeeding recommends that pacifiers be avoided until breastfeeding is "well established." The AAP doesn't define "well established," but many feel that it takes at least the first six weeks. Still, what will Dad's success with a pacifier, swaddling, loud shushing, and jiggling the baby away from his chest and onto his thighs do to the breastfeeding?Note that the author of this very article is the source of one of the best quotes about parenting ever made: "Remember: You're not managing an inconvenience, you're raising a human being."
In my practice, when fathers were successful in calming their babies, I found that their infants fed only six of the needed minimum eight times in each 24 hours. This resulted in lower weight gain for the baby, more initial breast engorgement for the mother, and a slow start for the milk supply. The infant was missing at least two needed feedings.
Patricia Franco published a study in the May 2005 issue of Pediatrics that shows that swaddling caused infants to spontaneously awaken less often. I often have to scramble to convince parents to hold off on the calming until after the breastfeeding. My generation didn't have to calm our babies after feeding; we nursed them to sleep, which takes less time than bouncing, wrapping, shushing, and pacifying.
I can totally see what you're getting at with this. FTR, I really loved HBOTB and thought it was a godsend, but that was BEFORE anybody had told me a single thing about babywearing. Okay, well, we had one of those craptastic Snuggie contraptions when Jonas was first born, but compared to the Mei Tai, using the Snuggie is about as close to babywearing as bottles are to breastfeeding. NO comparison. So suffice to say we were idiots who hadn't discovered many things yet.
ReplyDeleteWhen I say "sleep training" or "sleep guidance", it's most often the "tricks" on HBOTB that I'm referring to - though everyone automatically thinks I'm letting my kids CIO, which I have NEVER and will NEVER do. I just loved how Karp put a focus on meeting the babies needs in order to preemptively understand them and therefore head colic off at the pass. And I do agree that it's kinda AP - but it's AP for people who don't know all the benefits of REAL AP, if you KWIM?
I still find some things useful. I definitely can't see wearing the baby 24 hours a day and swaddling can be a godsend. But people should also be exposed to AP as a continuation of Karp's general philosophy. Am I making sense? Hello? Is this thing on?
I am often asked what I think about HBOTB too. The main issue I have with it is that swaddling is simply not a safe practice. It has been shown to reduce oxygen sats in healthy babies & causes deeper sleeping, creating babies who are more vulnerable to SIDS.
ReplyDelete"I do agree that it's kinda AP - but it's AP for people who don't know all the benefits of REAL AP, if you KWIM? I still find some things useful. I definitely can't see wearing the baby 24 hours a day and swaddling can be a godsend. But people should also be exposed to AP as a continuation of Karp's general philosophy. Am I making sense? Hello? Is this thing on?"
ReplyDeleteI hear you loud & clear! Yes yes yes. I'm glad you see my perspective - I really didn't intend to attack the entire system or any one component, even, not at all. You mention that the swaddling worked well for you, and likewise, I have a good friend whose daughter had a long stretch every day where the only thing that would calm her was loud shushing in her ear plus static on the radio. I know they tried a number of other things, all very gentle and AP, but this but this is what worked. I totally respect that.
Arie, swaddling for long stretches concerns me too. I need to think about how I present that information on SIDS to parents. Another concern about swaddling, as a lactation consultant pointed out to me, is that it can interfere with expressing feeding cues. That's a pretty big drawback too.
ReplyDeleteWe tried the 5S's with our daughter and it hardly ever worked. She had lungs and when she got upset she could scream for 7 hours straight...maybe that's why she slept through the night as an early newborn.
ReplyDeleteWhen I did discover the moby wrap and elimination communication, it all changed. It probably helped that by that time I'd also figured out that our daughter wasn't getting enough hindmilk and was fussy because of all her little gas bubbles. AP saved us, for a short while I thought I didn't have what it takes to be a mom, in the beginning it was pretty tough, but we got past it.
I'd love to hear more about swaddling reducing oxygen levels. My son lived in swaddles in the car and at night. I used wraps to achieve most of the other S's as well though.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't that into the "happiest baby methods", mainly because i didn't agree with the whole idea of the "fourth trimester" since he used evolution as a basis. I've really come to like the carrier/sling instead :)
ReplyDeleteMy mother was with us for the first week, and although she was a big help, I realize that our parenting styles are just not the same, and I feel like her "advice" made for an unhappy baby for the first couple of weeks until I found my own rhythm. I've learned the value of nursing to sleep, whereas my mother advised me "not to become a human pacifier". Who is to say that's not what breastfeeding is best for? It's not just nutrition, but also comfort..so I agree with the babywearing as the best method of comfort for a fussy baby, even if it requires more attention from the mother.
I used this with our first DD. I never thought of it as a "method", I would try the recommendations to see if they helped settle her after she had nursed. She wanted to suck constantly but my nipples were raw and I was in tears at every nurse for 4 weeks. I didn't own a carrier/sling yet, they canbe pricey and we hadn't chosen one yet.
ReplyDeleteWe did swaddle and it kept her happy at her nap times and bed time. But I never actually thought of using a swing for the swinging. In the book it talks about swinging them in your arms, so that is what I did. But I barely put my baby down at all during the first week or 2.
I am due with number in the fall and will be babywearing from the start, so hopefully this will help us.
He also points out in the book that babies shouldn't be swaddled all the time. It isn't great for hip development. But it is up to the parents to heed the warnings.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what kind of swaddling is shown in the book, but I do know what kind is used here almost exclusively. Baby is swaddled with their arms at their sides, or rarely crossed over their chest and their legs are held straight.
ReplyDeleteThere is absolutely positively no position WORSE for gas pains and reflux. YIKES. Not to mention many babies will not sleep if they can't have a hand touching their face. Its a habit from the womb that they don't want to, and shouldn't have to give up. Not to mention that position, when overused, causes hip dysplasia. In fact the US government used to provide a pamphlet for safe swaddling which included "double diapering" (cloth? or at least bulkier diapers than we have now) which dramatically reduced the rate of hip dysplasia. But of course, we've got no money for that now?
My first had reflux, had to have his hand by his face, hated having straight legs, etc. No way he wanted to be swaddled. Sure as heck not swaddled up to his NOSE with a pacifier (which he hated as he had oral aversions) tied to his face (yeah, nice nurse. Thankfully he'd only be like that as long as it took me to pee).
My second couldn't maintain his body temperature unless in skin-to-skin so no swaddling, and other than that he never needed it. He never cried, slept two 6 hour stretches a night, etc.
I hate swaddling. I am sure, somewhere in the world there are babies that love to be swaddled but ugh. Not most I think. Its like pacifiers -for those babies that need it, fine (which probably includes all bottle fed babies). As a pre-emptive, common practice, no.